You may also be surprised to know that heart attack risk is greatest among younger smokers. In one study, compared to non-smokers, the rate of heart attacks was increased five-fold in smokers between ages 30 and 49. This compared to smokers between the ages of 50 and 59, who had about a three-fold higher increased risk than non-smokers. Also important to know, the overall risk for heart attack is about 25 percent greater among women smokers than among men smokers.
Let's take a closer look at the health risks that smokers face.
Other Risks of Cigarette Smoking
Smoking also raises the risk of stroke and peripheral vascular disease. And, of course, smoking is the greatest risk for lung cancer and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), which both rank among the leading causes of death in this country. All of these risks are greater with an increased number of cigarettes smoked daily and the number of smoking years.Yet, even if you have smoked for many years, its ill effects on cardiovascular disease slowly wane and disappear about five years after stopping. Unfortunately, the higher risks for both lung cancer and COPD persist even after smoking cessation.
Cigar and Pipe Smoking and Passive Smoke
Although cigarettes are the greatest culprit, both cigar and pipe smoking somewhat increase the danger of a heart attack. In addition you will have to avoid smoke filled rooms because inhalation of such smoke (passive smoking) also raises the risk of CHD.Smoking Cessation Advantages
There’s still much dispute on the best diet and how much you need to exercise in order to keep your cardiovascular system healthy, but there is no doubt about how valuable it is to stop smoking. Smoking abstinence also differs from the lifelong need to take medications for elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes—the other major risk factors for coronary artery disease and heart attacks.How Cigarettes Cause Heart Attacks
Smoking exerts its dangers both by speeding the development of plaques within the arteries and by triggering heart attacks. Smoking:- Promotes atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, by increasing inflammation and by lowering protective HDL cholesterol levels
- Triggers heart attacks by rapidly raising heart rate and blood pressure and increases the grouping of blood platelets that leads to blood clots