10 Most Unhealthy Cancer Causing Foods To Avoid

The food we take has greater role in determining our health, both physical and mental.  Eating unhealthy foods can prove to be fatal as they have all capabilities to cause different kinds of health diseases including cancer. Here is the list of unhealthy foods which come with more risk of developing cancers. Make sure to keep these foods in mind and avoid them as much as possible.

Processed Meat

Different kinds of methods used for preserving and processing the meat, including pickling, curing, salting, smoking, chemical usage, etc, can also become source of cancer diseases. These preservatives have nitrate and sodium nitrite which are proved carcinogens.

GMO Foods

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. It includes all kinds of plants and their products which are developed using modern techniques from biotechnology and inter disciplined sciences. Nowadays, most of the fruits and vegetable crops are being developed using some or the other kind of genetic modification. Hence, it is good option to buy foods which are non-GMO verified and certified organic foods.

Smoked/Burned Foods

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are produced when the foods are smoked or barbecued. Such chemicals create increased risk of cancer. In the recent studies, it has been found that eating smoked or burned foods increases the chance of pancreatic cancer by nearly 60%.

Foods having Artificial Sweeteners

Those who are in misconception that artificial sweeteners are healthy compared to normal refined sugar, will have to come out of their misleading opinions. Otherwise, they would have to pay huge. Foods & beverages having these artificial sweeteners are rich in Saccharin, aspartame, Sucralose, etc are very much dangerous as they can cause cancers.

Sweetened Beverages

Recent studies have shown that those who consume more amounts of soda will have more chances of getting cancers. The excess sugars accumulating in the body will form best medium for the growth of cancerous cells.

Fried Food Items

Fried food items are tasty and they also posses the risk of health disorders including cancers. Frying the food items in pre-heated oil will produce toxic aldehydes which have the ability to cause health hazards like cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.

Contaminated Foods

Usage of pesticides will contaminate fruits and vegetables. The residues of these pesticides are found on fruits and vegetables even if they are used at the time of cultivation. These chemicals increase the chances of getting cancers and also reduce IQ levels in children.

Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn bags should not be kept in microwave as the Perfluoroctanoic Acid (PFOA) present in these bags will have all the potential of causing pancreatic, testicular and hepatic cancers.  When the popcorn is microwaved along with the bags, the toxic chemical vapors will be absorbed by the popcorn, thereby reaching our body.

Hydrogenated Oil

Most dangerous aspect of hydrogenated oils is that they have the capability to change the cell membrane structure. Because of this reason, cells become more susceptible for cancers. Make sure to purchase foods which are labelled to be free from hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Canned Food Items

For keeping the food items intact and fresh for longer periods, canned foods are mixed with different kinds of preservatives and chemicals. Sometimes, these chemicals react with the metal of the can, thereby becoming fatal. Such chemicals can disturb normal hormonal levels in the body leading to wide range of health risks like cancers.

Above are just few among wide range of cancer-causing foods. Make sure to avoid these foods as much as possible. Be close to nature and take organic foods. Do you feel this list is incomplete? Please share with us, details of few more cancer-causing foods if you know any.

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