Abhai Naveen (Hero)
Amulya Reddy (Heroine)
Vishnu Oi, Anil Geela , Thagubothu Ramesh, Srikanth Iyengar, Jabardasth Roshini, Jagan Yogiraj, and others (Cast)
Abhai Naveen (Director)
AAR (Producer)
Kamran (Music)
Ramanna Youth is a movie that actor Abhai Naveen both starred in and directed. Today, the movie premiered, so let’s see how it does.
Story: Raju (Abhai Naveen), a young person from Ankshapur in Telangana, aspires to lead the youth. He is completely smitten with Sapna (Amulya Reddy). Raju is motivated by MLA Ramanna (Srikanth Iyengar), and he hopes to win the politician’s favor. A poster that Raju and his buddies put up in their village turns their lives on their heads. What took place next? This is the subject of the movie.
Performances: Abhai Naveen is a natural actor who gives his performance his all. Another movie that accurately captures Telangana culture is Ramanna Youth. The setting seems to be a little town.
A number of the protagonist’s discussions with his pals came off well, making people giggle. In their individual roles, Taagubothu Ramesh, Srikanth Iyengar, and Anil Geela all perform satisfactorily. The film attempts to deliver a nice message.
Comparatively speaking, the second half is superior to the first hour. In the final thirty minutes, the film adopts a serious tone, and this is when everything starts to come together. There are a few passable comedic moments here and there.
Technicalities: The score and music by Kamran are good. The cinematography was done skillfully by Fahad Abdul Majeed. To minimize repetition, the editing team could have removed a lot of pointless scenes. The dialogues that appear near the conclusion are written effectively. The quality of the production is good.
The directing of Abhai Naveen is poor; he ought to have focused more on developing compelling drama and feelings. The movie fails miserably in this area, and as a result, the intended message is poorly received.
Analysis: Strong messages alone are insufficient; it is how they are delivered that counts most. Ramanna Youth regrettably lacks the compelling drama that would have supported the social message.
The climax delivers the point, but it is quite hurried, and the movie ends abruptly. One won’t be able to empathize with the characters because of the inadequate handling of the characters’ emotions.
Little happens in the movie until the final few minutes. The movie has a romantic theme, but it doesn’t mesh well with the narrative. There has been a lot of time squandered, thus there is a lot of “treading water.”
Verdict: Overall, Ramanna Youth wants to provide young people with a positive message, yet the presentation falls short. The final few minutes were strong, and the actors did a terrific job. However, Ramanna Youth ultimately lacks the appropriate drama and emotions to keep the movie together.
Rating: 1.5/5