Shah Rukh Khan’s movies like Pathaan and Jawan set a trend by hitting the 500-crore mark in India, followed by Animal and Gadar 2 globally. However, post-pandemic, reaching such heights isn’t easy. Salaar managed 600 crores worldwide, but it was in five languages.
Tiger 3 and Dunki fell short, while Fighter disappointed with less than 350 crores globally. Hanu Man did well with 275 crores, given its budget. The recipe for a 500 crore global hit starts with buzz from the announcement.
Teasers and songs maintain excitement, but a powerful trailer is key for strong advance bookings. Weak bookings hurt opening-day collections. A film like Jawan or Animal sets the stage for success. Word of mouth and a clash-free two-week run are crucial.
To hit 500 crores net in India, extraordinary word of mouth, a long unchallenged run, and luck are needed. Potential 500-crore grossers include Kalki 2898 AD and Pushpa 2. Overall, anticipation, a solid trailer, audience satisfaction, and a bit of luck are vital for a blockbuster, whether in India or globally.