Two years have passed since SS Rajamouli’s blockbuster “RRR” hit the screens, marking the last big-screen appearance of NTR and Ram Charan, who later starred in “Acharya.” Both actors have since been occupied with their respective projects, “Devara” and “Game Changer,” generating high anticipation for their releases later this year.
Pawan Kalyan’s film, “OG,” is set to premiere on September 27th, while Allu Arjun’s “Pushpa 2” is slated for August 15th. In case of a postponement, Nani’s “Saripodaa Sanivaram” and “Indian 2” will compete for the Independence Day slot alongside a major multi-starrer, “Singham Again,” leaving no room for “Devara.”
Similarly, “Game Changer” won’t target Independence Day as Shankar’s “Indian 2” is eyeing that slot. The only feasible option for both films appears to be the October Dasara period, as no other major releases have been announced. If Dasara is missed, the next viable slots would be Christmas or the summer of 2025.
In a race against time, both “Devara” and “Game Changer” are striving to secure their release dates amidst shared scheduling challenges. Fans eagerly await the final announcements as the anticipation builds for these highly awaited films.