Bollywood’s perfectionist Aamir Khan attended Republic Day 2025 celebrations at the Statue of Unity in Gujarat and took a moment to give major updates on his upcoming projects, including the most awaited sequel to Taare Zameen Par, titled Sitaare Zameen Par.
In the sequel, Aamir will reunite with actor Darsheel Safary, who portrayed the young Ishaan in Taare Zameen Par. Speaking to the media at the celebrations, he was asked if any of his upcoming films will be shot in Gujarat. The actor revealed, “The sequel to Taare Zameen Par is Sitaare Zameen Par, and the climax of that movie was shot in Vadodara.”
Shedding more light on Sitaare Zameen Par, Aamir shared an update about the film’s release date. “My next film as a lead actor is Sitaare Zameen Par. We are trying to release it by the end of this year, on the occasion of Christmas. It is an entertaining film, I like the story. The shooting of the film has begun,” he shared.
In addition to his acting role, Aamir is also producing Sitaare Zameen Par. The film also features Genelia D’Souza.