Bollywood star couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have always maintained a friendly relationship with paparazzi, allowing them to take photos and videos of their kids—Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan. However, following the incident where Saif was stabbed inside his Bandra house, the actor and his wife, Kareena, have decreed certain rules for the paps and media outlets.
As per a report in the Times of India, Kareena’s team held a meeting with the Mumbai paparazzi on Tuesday, requesting that they avoid standing outside their residence and clicking photos of them while they are leaving or coming back.
Further, the star couple has also requested the paps refrain from clicking photos of their children, Taimur and Jeh, anywhere, citing heightened security concerns. However, Kareena and Saif have permitted the photographers to click them if they attend any event.
In the early hours of January 16, Saif Ali Khan was attacked by a robber inside his upscale Mumbai home and subsequently underwent spinal and plastic surgeries. The actor was discharged on January 21. The investigation is currently ongoing.