Mahesh Babu shared the trailer of Gandhi Tatha Chettu on his social media. This heartwarming film stars Sukumar Bandreddy’s daughter, Sukriti Veni Bandreddy, in the lead role.
Directed by Padmavati Malladi and is produced by Mythri Movie Makers, Sukumar Writings, and Gopi Talkies.
Tabitha Sukumar is presenting the film and the producers are Naveen Yerneni, Yalamanchili Ravishankar and Shesha Sindhu Rao.
The movie has already won several awards at international film festivals. Sukriti Veni’s performance has been especially praised, earning her the Best Child Artist award.
The film is set to hit screens worldwide on January 24th. Mahesh Babu said, “Happy to launch the trailer of Gandhi Tatha Chettu. It looks like a heartwarming and inspiring film. Best wishes to Sukriti and the team”.
The trailer gives a glimpse of the touching story about a young girl named Gandhi.
Happy to launch the trailer of #GandhiTathaChettu…Looks heartwarming and deeply touching… My best wishes to Sukriti and the entire team for their journey ahead. @Thabithasukumar @MythriOfficial…
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) January 9, 2025