Known for his good looks, actor Hrithik Roshan will celebrate 25 years in Bollywood on January 14, marking his debut with his father’s directorial Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai. The romance-action film was released in 2000 and also starred Ameesha Patel. Speaking at an event in Mumbai marking the occasion, the actor reflected on his journey and interacted with the media.
Expressing gratitude to the media, Hrithik credited them and his fans for shaping his career as an actor. Calling himself a “shy guy,” Hrithik candidly shared, “25 years! I remember 25 years back when Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai was releasing, I was so shy and so anxious that I didn’t do a single interview. I didn’t step out of my house to do anything. I just skipped the entire promotional event.”
Acknowledging the media’s influence on his career, he expressed, “I truly think that you have helped me, all of you, have helped me become the human and the actor that I am in these 25 years through our interactions. Through all the questions and answers, you made me feel uncomfortable—I grew with that. Sometimes you made me feel responsible, sometimes you made me feel accountable. Guys, not good for a shy guy!”
“You know, it is you speaking to them, telling them how to see me, and how to understand me. It is your perceptions that you shared with the world that taught them how to see me. Thank you for that. Thank you for making me, contributing so much to my journey,” the Dhoom 2 actor stated.
Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai is re-releasing on January 10, coinciding with Hrithik Roshan’s birthday. Workwise, the star will next be seen in War 2 alongside Kiara Advani and Jr NTR.
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