Kajal Aggarwal, known for her grace and acting skills, is gearing up for two big projects one is Kannappa, set to release on April 25, 2025, and the Bollywood film The India Story, starring Shreyas Talpade.
Kajal recently announced on Instagram that the first shooting schedule for The India Story has begun in Pune.
Sharing her excitement, she expressed how thrilled she is to be part of this unique and impactful story brought to the big screen.
Directed by Chetan DK and written by Sagar B Shinde, who is also producing the film, The India Story is set to hit theaters on August 15, 2025.
We have to wait for more updates from the film.
Kickstarting our first schedule in Pune, for The India Story. Excited to bring this untold, impactful story to life. Mark your calendars. 15/8/25 – see you in theatres! #indiastory #comingsoon @shreyastalpade1 @ChettanDk @migsocial8 @murlisharma72 pic.twitter.com/9tqjvQsbJ3
— Kajal Aggarwal (@MsKajalAggarwal) January 27, 2025