Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut, known for speaking her mind, recently took a jibe at Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat while promoting her latest release, Emergency. She revealed that the film was initially offered to her, but she refused. She also expressed her disappointment with how the female lead was portrayed, calling it largely “irrelevant.”
During an interview with YouTuber Ajeet Bharti, Ranaut revealed that she turned down Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s offer to play the lead in Padmaavat, a role that eventually went to Deepika Padukone, after he refused to hand her the film’s script.
She explained a situation that led her to deny the offer and stated, “I was also offered Padmaavati. I asked him [Sanjay Leela Bhansali] if it would be great if I could get the script of the film. He said, ‘I never give my scripts’. Then I asked him, ‘What is the role of the heroine then?’ He said, ‘The hero is struck by the heroine when he sees her getting ready in a mirror’.”
“When I actually watched the film, I realised that she (Deepika Padukone) is actually only getting ready in the entire film. He was right. I do not want to take these names and bring attention to individuals. But I want to ask, which director I should work with?” she added.
Watch the video here:-
Kangana ranaut calls deepika’s role in padmaavat irrelevant
byu/Hell_holder11 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Released in 2018, Padmaavat is a period drama featuring Ranveer Singh as Alauddin Khilji and Shahid Kapoor in the role of Rajput ruler Maharawal Ratan Singh. Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone essayed the role of Shahid’s wife, Rani Padmavati.