Following the shocking brutal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor, recently recorded her statement with the Mumbai police in Bandra. She shed light on what unfolded that night, along with the chilling details of the unfortunate incident.
In the early hours of Thursday, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times by an intruder at their Bandra apartment in Mumbai. The actor was then rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, where he underwent two surgeries and is currently recuperating.
As per India Today, Kareena revealed to the police that the attacker was “very aggressive” and attacked Saif multiple times during the incident. In her statement she shared, “When Saif was fighting off the burglar, the latter was aggressive. But our family somehow managed to escape and go to the 12th floor of the building.”
“I was scared. Karisma (Kapoor) took me to her house. The attacker didn’t steal anything. Saif intervened to protect younger son, Jehangir (Ali Khan), and the attacker was unable to reach him,” she added.
Kareena further informed the police that she went out with her sister Karisma Kapoor and friend Rhea Kapoor and returned home around 1 AM. She said, “I went to the 11th floor after hearing the commotion. The attacker was very aggressive. Saif tried to save Jeh and his nanny from the attacker.” She added that Saif tried saving the children and women.