A few days ago director Ram Gopal Varma announced his new film Syndicate. Since then many rumors have been circulating on social media creating a lot of buzz everywhere.
There were rumors that Venkatesh and Fahadh would be part of the film cast. The rumors spread quickly until RGV himself denied them today.
Speaking to critic Kamaal R Khan, RGV clarified, “Yes, I am working on Syndicate, but the news about the cast and production house is completely false”.
This statement made it clear that fans should check facts before believing or spreading rumors.
He also dismissed the talk that Mythri Movie Makers is producing the film. Official details about Syndicate will be announced soon.
Hey, it is true that I am doing the film SYNDICATE but the speculations on the cast and production house is COMPLETELY FALSE https://t.co/43tvhuzVA5
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 30, 2025