After the re-release of his iconic film Satya director Ram Gopal Varma(RGV) shared some heartfelt thoughts. He admitted that over the years, he has directed several films that did not succeed and that he may never be able to create another classic like Satya. His emotional message touched many of his fans who praised his honesty and reflections on his career.
He announced his next project a film titled SYNDICATE. He mentioned it as the “BIGGEST film ever” and revealed that the story would revolve around a terrifying organization that poses a threat to the very existence of India. His statement has created a lot of buzz among his followers who are eager to see how this new film shapes up.
With SYNDICATE RGV seems to be aiming for something grand and intense, hinting at a powerful narrative with high stakes. Fans are excited about his bold new project and curious to see how this upcoming film will compare to his previous successes like Satya. Only time will tell if SYNDICATE lives up to the hype, but Varma’s emotional reflection has certainly stirred up a lot of anticipation.
In CONTINUATION to my CONFESSION note on SATYA film , I DECIDED to make the BIGGEST film ever
The film is called SYNDICATE
It’s about a terrifying organisation which threatens the very EXISTENCE of INDIA
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 22, 2025