Actress Urvashi Rautela recently stirred controversy with her Telugu song “Dabidi Dibidi,” in which she featured alongside Nandamuri Balakrishna, also known as Balayya. The song from the film Daaku Maharaaj was criticised for its choreography, which was labelled as “vulgar and cheap.”
Now, responding to the criticism, Rautela defended the song, calling it a “celebration of art.” Unfazed by the backlash, Urvashi termed working with Balakrishna as “an absolute honour.”
In an interview with IANS, the actress stated, “Success inevitably invites scrutiny, and I understand that discussions and varied opinions are part of the journey. Regarding the dance with Nandamuri garu, I respect the diversity of perspectives that come with any performance. Working with a legend like him was an absolute honour, and the experience was one of collaboration, mutual respect, and passion for the craft.”
Talking about the performance, she said, “The dance with Nandamuri sir was not just a performance for me; it was a celebration of art, hard work, and respect for the craft. Working with him was a dream come true, and every step, every gesture was about creating something beautiful together.”
Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna in the lead, Daaku Maharaaj also stars Urvashi Rautela, Bobby Deol, Shraddha Srinath, Pragya Jaiswal, and Makarand Deshpande, among others.