Mollywood star Mohanlal’s Drishyam franchise has been the most remade film across industries. The film has a massive fan base across the globe and was also made in Hindi, starring Ajay Devgn. While audiences have been waiting for an update on its third installment, Mohanlal recently spilled some tea about the same.
Speaking with India Today Digital in an interview, the veteran actor was asked if he is open to the idea of a crossover with Ajay Devgn in Drishyam 3. In response to the question, the actor said, “I have no idea. Let it happen. I will also pray for that.”
Mohanlal on Drishyam 3
Further talking about Drishyam 3, Mohanlal stated, “I have no idea. It’s in the process, in the pipeline. It is not that easy to bring out a good sequel. It is a big challenge. Part three is a big headache for them, for the director and for all of us. But we are in the process. It will happen some day, I am also praying for it to happen.”
Drishyam 2 (2021), the Malayalam movie, was written and directed by Jeethu Joseph and starred Mohanlal and Meena in the lead roles. Helmed by Abhishek Pathak, its Hindi remake, which was released in 2022, featured Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Akshaye Khanna, Shriya Saran, and Ishita Dutta. The thriller crime has been a box office success in both languages.
On the work front, Mohanlal made his directorial debut in 2024 with the children’s fantasy film Barroz. He will next be seen in L2: Empuraan this year. Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn delivered a hit last year with Sigham Again. In 2025, he will be seen in Azaad, De De Pyaar De 2 and Son of Sardaar 2.