Varun Tej’s upcoming action movie, “Operation Valentine” directed by Shakti Pratap Singh hada, has been postponed a bit. The film’s release date was originally scheduled for the 16th of this month, but has been postponed for March 1st, confirmed by the producers.
The decision to postpone the release was based on strategic plans inside the Telugu industry. Following the Sankranthi festival time, Tollywood directors have decided to leave at least a week between the releases of major films. This scheduling approach aims to blast box office performance and ensure that each movie receives sufficient interest from public.
“Operation Valentine” is multilingual film in Telugu and Hindi, and it based on real life points. Manushi Chhillar, who plays the female lead, co-stars with Varun Tej. Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures co-produced the picture.
Despite the delay, “Operation Valentine” now has a solo release date, which could increase its popularity and impact when it is eventually released. Fans eagerly await the film’s release, expecting an exciting cinematic experience based on real-life events and high-flying action scenes.