Tamil superstar Rajinikanth celebrates 50 remarkable years in the film industry at 73. Despite his age, Rajinikanth remains a captivating force with four upcoming films. He not only holds his ground against younger stars but also nurtures new talent by collaborating with emerging directors.
His recent film “Jailer” marked a triumphant comeback, earning over Rs. 600 crores. Now, anticipation surrounds his next project, expected to break records. In a guest appearance as Moideen Bhai in “Lal Salaam,” directed by his daughter Aishwarya, Rajinikanth’s role failed to generate significant buzz outside Tamil Nadu.
Despite this, his upcoming film, set to release worldwide on February 9, has analysts puzzled. Rajinikanth’s brief appearance commands a hefty Rs. 40 crores remuneration.
The movie, focusing on cricket and starring Vishnu Vishal and Vikrant, features a stellar cast and marks Jeetha Rajasekhar’s return, with AR Rahman composing the music. As the release date nears, the industry eagerly anticipates the outcome of this unique venture led by the iconic Rajinikanth.