Film producer Boney Kapoor often shares heartfelt posts on social media, remembering his late wife, actress Sridevi. On Tuesday, Kapoor took to Instagram and shared a set of photos, reminiscing about good times spent with his legendary wife. The throwback post features glimpses of their romance in Alaska.
In the first pic, dressed in warm winter clothes, the filmmaker is seen holding Sridevi close. The second photo is a close-up of the couple, while the third one is a lovey-dovey snap of them being in each other’s arms. A picturesque backdrop made the photos even more beautiful.
The post was captioned as, “Romancing in Alaska amongst the glaciers & the fall season, which arrives early September there.” The post was liked by Khushi and Arjun Kapoor. Fans left their messages for the couple in the comment section. One said, “Beautifull Memory Life Moment,” while another wrote, “Miss you sri mam,” and many left heart emojis.
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Boney Kapoor and Sridevi got married in 1996, and the couple was blessed with their first child, Janhvi, in 1996, while Khushi was born in 2000. Unfortunately, Sridevi died in 2018 due to accidental drowning in Dubai.