The makers of the upcoming movie Chhaava have confirmed that they will remove the ‘Lezim’ dance sequence, following the objections from politicians like Maharashtra minister Uday Samant and MNS leader Raj Thackeray. Chhaava is an autobiography on the life of Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Sambhaji, played by Vicky Kaushal.
In the trailer of the film, Vicky is seen dancing in a scene with a Lezim, a traditional wooden musical instrument from Maharashtra. Chhatrapati Sambhaji was the eldest son of the founder of the Maratha Empire, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Meanwhile, on January 27, Chhaava’s director, Laxman Utekar, met MNS chief Raj Thackeray and announced that they would drop the particular scene from the film. In his statement, the filmmaker said, “The meeting with Raj Thackeray was to seek his advice. His knowledge of history, especially regarding Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, is extensive. He provided valuable suggestions for changes, which we will implement. As for the scene featuring Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj playing ‘Lezim’, we will delete it.”
He added that they did not intend to hurt anyone’s sentiments, saying, “Sambhaji Maharaj is very much bigger than that Lezim dance. So we are going to remove those scenes from the film.”
Also starring Ashutosh Rana, Diana Penty, Divya Dutta, among others, Chhaava will be released on February 14.