Actress Devayani has stepped into direction and production with her short film, Kaikkuttai Rani. The film features music by Ilaiyaraaja and Niharika V.K. and Naveen N. play key roles in the 20-minute film.
The story focuses on a girl coping with the loss of her mother and living with her father, who works in a different city.
It highlights the emotional struggles faced by children in such situations. Kaikkuttai Rani recently won the Best Children’s Short Film award at the 17th Jaipur International Film Festival.
Sharing her happiness, Devayani said, “After acting in so many films, winning an award for my first directed short film is a moment of great pride and joy. We are also planning to present this film at international festivals”.
Devayani wins international award for her directorial debut.#Tamilcinema #Devayani #KaiKuttaiRani #BehindTalkies
— Behind Talkies (@BehindTalkies) January 21, 2025