Actor Varun Kulkarni, who appeared in Shah Rukh Khan’s 2023 movie Dunki, is currently hospitalised in Mumbai due to a severe kidney ailment. He has been undergoing dialysis for the past two weeks. On Tuesday, Kulkarni’s friend Roshan Shetty took to Instagram to share the actor’s health update.
Varun is popularly known to share screen space with Shah Rukh Khan and Vicky Kaushal in Rajkumar Hirani’s movie Dunki. Meanwhile, Varun’s friend revealed in the social media post that due to the ongoing treatment, he is facing financial issues and is struggling to pay his hospital bills.
Sharing a set of pictures of Varun Kulkarni resting on a hospital bed, Roshan Shetty urged their friends and well-wishers to come forward and help Varun in his hour of need. He wrote, “My dear friend and theatre co-artist, Varun Kulkarni, is currently battling severe kidney issues. Despite our previous efforts to raise funds, the expenses for his treatment continue to mount.”
He added, “He requires dialysis 2–3 times a week, along with regular medical care and emergency hospital visits. Just two days ago, Varun was rushed to the hospital for an emergency dialysis session.”
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In addition to Dunki, Varun Kulkarni has also worked in OTT shows like Scam 1992 and The Family Man.