IT officials have been conducting raids on several top Telugu film producers. The raids now in their 4th day have led to the seizure of important documents from Dil Raju‘s residence.
Today, IT officials took Dil Raju to his office, where searches have been ongoing for the past three days.
However, there is no clear information about the developments at his residence. These raids are reportedly connected to the recent release, Game Changer.
Similarly, Yerneni Naveen of Mythri Movie Makers also faced raids at his residence. He was later taken to the Mythri Movie Makers office in the officials vehicle.
Videos of Dil Raju being escorted to his office have surfaced on social media. Raids are also underway at the offices and properties of other producers. Reports suggest that the raids may conclude today.
BREAKING: Dil Raju taken by income tax officials
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 24, 2025