Madhavi Latha filed a complaint with the Hyderabad police against JC Prabhakar Reddy a TDP leader and Tadipatri Municipal Corporation chairman for making insulting comments about her.
She complained to the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate in Gachibowli, Hyderabad stating that his remarks caused her deep pain and distress.
Though Prabhakar Reddy apologized for his statements, Madhavi questioned how such comments could be forgiven so easily. She criticized him for accusing actresses of making a living through prostitution.
She also expressed that his remarks deeply hurt her and her family and condemned him for dragging her name and disrespecting the acting profession without any basis.
“Madhavi Latha Files Complaint Against JC Prabhakar Reddy with Cyberabad CP”
Actress Madhavi Latha demanded action against JC Prabhakar Reddy for making objectionable remarks. “Is an apology enough? How can leaders use such language?” she questioned. #madhavilatha
— Voice of Andhra (@VoiceofAndhra3) January 21, 2025