Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda made his directorial debut last year with the biopic Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, which received international success as it was shortlisted as a nominee for the Oscars 2025. Now, it seems he has already grabbed a big project in Hollywood and is set to win hearts on the other side of the globe.
The actor jetted off to Budapest, Hungary, on Tuesday to begin shooting for his next mega Hollywood film. Details of the upcoming ventures have been kept under wraps.
Meanwhile, a source close to the film’s development said, “Randeep is excited about starting filming for the project. While not much is known at this stage, it’s a brand new avatar for him. The shoot is set to commence soon in Budapest later this week.”
For those unaware, Randeep had earlier been part of Netflix’s action-thriller Extraction, where he shared the screen with Chris Hemsworth.
Currently, Hooda is filming his next Hindi actioner, Jaat, alongside Sunny Deol and Saiyami Kher. Helmed by Gopichand Malineni, the film is scheduled to release this year.