Priyanka Chopra has been busy with her projects. However there are many rumors that she has been approached for an important role in Mahesh‘s upcoming movie SSMB29 directed by Rajamouli.
She recently visited Hyderabad where she attended few meetings with Rajamouli. A look test was conducted, and they had a detailed discussion about the film.
Rajamouli has requested bulk dates from Priyanka, and now it’s up to her to make the final decision.
Priyanka is interested in the project but needs to adjust her schedule to commit to the film. A final decision is expected soon.
Meanwhile, a shooting schedule is planned for February at the Aluminium Factory. Rajamouli has dedicated a lot of time to pre-production and aims to finish the shoot quickly with well-planned schedules.
#AnupamaParameswaran latest visuals at #Paradha movie teaser launch @anupamahere
— Filmy Focus (@FilmyFocus) January 23, 2025