Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda has signed his second Hollywood project, titled Matchbox. He will reunite with filmmaker Sam Hargrave for the upcoming high-octane actioner and will share screen space with none other than American actor and professional wrestler, John Cena.
The film is currently being shot in Budapest. Hooda had earlier worked with Sam Hargrave on Netflix’s 2020 hit Extraction, alongside Chris Hemsworth.
Talking about sharing the screen with Cena and Teyonah Parris of The Marvels fame in Matchbox, Hooda said in a statement, “Excited to be working with Sam again. We had a great time on our first collaboration with Extraction. Sam is a master of high-octane storytelling and action. Glad to be joining the team in Budapest.”
The movie is described as a live-action film, which also stars Jessica Biel and Sam Richardson, and is said to be based on Mattel’s die-cast matchbox toy vehicle series. The movie’s storyline will center around a group of childhood friends who must work together to avert a global calamity while also rekindling their friendship.