The accused, who had stabbed and injured Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan last week at his Bandra residence, was arrested in Thane by Mumbai police on Sunday, January 19, 2025. The accused, who is a Bangladeshi national, was nabbed with the help of old footage from January 9, which showed him roaming around the Dadar and Prabhadevi areas in Mumbai.
The accused, identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man, is now in police remand for five days, as ordered by a Mumbai court.
The high-profile case has been garnering a lot of attention, with the latest inputs suggesting that police are now investigating whether Shehzad recced other celebrities houses before entering Saif’s residence.
This comes after a CCTV clip from January 14, 2025, showed the attacker was observing actor Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat, while he was also found sitting on the platform in front of Salman’s Galaxy apartment several times with the aim of observing the premises. However, as Salman’s building is already under heavy police surveillance, Shehzad, with the fear of getting caught, gave up his plan, it seemed.
Meanwhile, sources said that the attacker, who has been living in India illegally, demanded 1 crore from Saif’s house help with the intention of fleeing to Bangladesh permanently with the money. The accused was also trying to get a fake passport to easily escape the country.