Vicky Kaushal will next be seen in the historical drama Chhaava. The actor has some exciting lineups of movies, such as Love & War and Mahavatar, making him one of the busiest stars in Bollywood. Amid this, a report has surfaced online suggesting that Vicky is in talks to work with director Kabir Khan for his next.
As per a report published in Filmfare, Vicky Kaushal and Kabir Khan are collaborating on a new project, and the final procedures regarding the project are still being worked out.
“Kabir Khan and Katrina Kaif have had a long-standing association and friendship. Ever since Katrina and Vicky Kaushal came together, Kabir has always been a friend and mentor to Vicky. But now, after all these years, they have finally found a project, where the two can come together. The deal hasn’t been sealed yet. But it is as good as done,” a source close to the development told the publication.
Meanwhile, Vicky and Rashmika Mandanna are sharing the screen for the first time in Chhaava, which is set to release on February 14, 2025.