Director Ajay Gnanamuthu recently married his long-time love Shimona happily in a Christian wedding in Chennai. Their wedding photos went viral with wellwishers showering them with love and blessings.
Vishal who couldn’t attend the wedding, visited Ajay and Shimona at their home to personally congratulate them.
Pictures of his visit quickly spread online, adding to the happy moments. His visit has also sparked rumors about a possible collaboration between him and Ajay Gnanamuthu.
Ajay’s personal and professional journey continues to grab attention and admiration from fans and the industry.
Let’s see if the collaboration happens or if it’s just a rumor. Either way, it’s great to see him back to full health and active again!
@VishalKOfficial‘s visited to extend his heartfelt wishes to the newlyweds, Ajay & Shimona
Congrats on your new journey @AjayGnanamuthu Sir. Wishing you and your partner a lifetime filled with love & happiness
Eagerly waiting for #Vishal – #AjayGnanamuthu Combo
— Vishal Fans Trends (@VishalTrends_) January 21, 2025