IPL Extra Innings serial always brings us good hot anchors who tell gives us updates on the match scoreboards. This time we would see 2 hot girls updating us match scores, Rochelle Maria Rao and Karishma Kotak. Hot Rochelle Maria Rao has won Femina Miss India for 2012. Below are the bikini hot images of Rochelle Maria Rao where is lokking super awesome. Be careful, dangerous curves ahead :)
IPL Extra Innings serial always brings us good hot anchors who tell gives us updates on the match scoreboards. This time we would see 2 hot girls updating us match scores, Rochelle Maria Rao and Karishma Kotak. Hot Rochelle Maria Rao has won Femina Miss India for 2012. Below are the bikini hot images of Rochelle Maria Rao where is lokking super awesome. Be careful, dangerous curves ahead :)