The entire country is in a celebratory mood as the Hindu festival of harvest, also known as Makar Sankranti or Sankranthi, is around the corner. Sankranthi holds major significance in the Telugu states, and to keep up with the tradition, the seventh edition of the International Kite and Sweet Festival will take place from January 13 to 15 at the Parade Grounds in Secunderabad.
Coinciding with the upcoming festival, the festival organised by the Telangana Tourism and Culture department will witness kites being flown by nearly 47 international kite flyers from 16 countries and 60 members of a kite club from 14 states.
It is also said that more than 300 women from 25-plus states and 10 nations will participate in the festival to share over 1000 culinary delights at the event. From Telangana’s traditional sweets to sweet delicacies from various other states and countries will be presented at the stalls.
Speaking at a press conference in Hyderabad on Saturday, Tourism and Culture Minister Jupally Krishna Rao informed that activities like cultural programs, handlooms, and handicraft products displays will be organised for the entertainment of the visitors, with entry being free, inviting everyone to the festival. Tourism department director Zendage Hanumant Kondiba, director of Culture Mamidi Harikrishna, and other officials were also present at the press conference.
Around 15 lakh visitors are expected to attend the festival, the minister informed, stating that the Kites and Sweet Festival will also be held in the rural part of Telangana in the coming days. Before unveiling the festival poster, the minister inaugurated the sweet stalls that saw women from various states showcasing traditional sweets.
Calling the festival one of its kind, the Tourism and Culture Department Secretary Smita Sabharwal said such a conceptual type of event would showcase Telangana’s uniqueness not only in India but also globally.