Several hours after reports of playback singer Monali Thakur being admitted to a hospital in West Bengal following breathing problems during a live performance circulated, the singer shared a lengthy note on social media refuting the claims. She was performing at the Dinhata Festival in Cooch Behar on Tuesday evening, January 21, when reports claimed that she fell sick midway through her live performance.
Dismissing reports of suffering breathing issues and being admitted to a hospital, Monali shared an official statement on her IG Stories and thanked her fans and followers for their concern. Stressing that she has no breathing problems, Thakur wrote, “Dear media and everyone concerned for my health, I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing this to request that no unverified news about my health be shared.”
“I truly appreciate all the love and concern, but I want to make it clear that I am not dealing with any breathing issues and I was not admitted to any hospital. That’s false information,” she added.
Further, she gave details of what happened to her and wrote, “I was feeling unwell recently due to not getting enough time to recover from a viral infection/flu causing it to relapse and cause a slightly severe sinus and migrane discomfort and pain in flights. That’s all there is to it.”
Before signing off, she mentioned, “I’m now back in Mumbai, getting treatment, resting, and recovering. I’ll be absolutely fine in no time! Let’s not make this bigger than it is, specially when there are much more important things to focus on. Thank you so much for your love and support.”