Aparna Vinod known for her role as Keerthy Suresh‘s friend in Vijay‘s Tamil movie Bairavaa, later appeared as the lead actress in Naduvan alongside Bharath. In 2023 she married Rinil Raj but their marriage has now come to an end after two years.
She took he social media to share the news saying “After much thought, I have decided to end my marriage. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I believe it’s the right step for my growth and healing. This decision will help me move forward in life”.
Her announcement highlights her courage in making a tough personal decision. She emphasized the importance of focusing on her growth and well-being despite the challenges of ending a significant chapter in her life.
Aparna’s fans have expressed support and understanding for her decision, appreciating her openness during a difficult time.
Aparna’s career has seen her take on diverse roles, and her announcement marks a significant moment in her personal journey, showing her strength in embracing change for a better future.
Malayalam actress #AparnaVinoth, who played the role of #KeerthySuresh‘s friend in #Vijay‘s Tamil film #Bhairava announces her divorce from her husband #RinilRaj, who she married earlier in 2023! pic.twitter.com/ToiSQHc2P3
— Chennai Times (@ChennaiTimesTOI) January 23, 2025